Terms of Use

General conditions

These Terms of Use govern the rights and obligations regarding the use of the Infostud.com website (hereinafter: Service) and the use of content from the same website.

The Service is located at the following internet address https://inspiragrupa.com

The Service represents an information society service provided by INFOSTUD 3 DOO SUBOTICA, Vladimira Nazora 7, 24000 Subotica, Republic of Serbia, ID number: 20175095, PIB: 104505119 (hereinafter: Company).

These Terms of Use govern the conditions and manner in which the website visitor can use its content.

By accessing and using this Service of the Company, that is, by signing up for it, users of the Service agree to these Terms of Use and thus conclude a contract upon access with the Company as an information society service provider.

The Company’s business through this Service is primarily regulated by the Law on Electronic Commerce, the Law on Obligations, the Law on Copyright and Related Rights, the Law on Trademarks, the Law on the Protection of Personal Data, as well as other regulations of the legal system of the Republic of Serbia in parts that are not regulated by the aforementioned laws.

The company is committed to preserving and implementing the rights to the protection of personal data enjoyed by natural persons. The purpose of collecting personal data is defined in the Privacy Notice available on the page: https://inspiragrupa.com/politika-privatnosti/

Description of the Service

The Service is intended for all interested legal and natural persons who want to be informed about the Company’s work.

Any use of the Service in its entirety or any part of it that does not comply with the Terms of Use will be considered a misuse of the services provided by the Company and a violation of the Terms of Use.

Copyright on the Service and the content

The Company has exclusive copyright and intellectual property rights on the Service, as well as on all individual elements that make it up, such as text, visual and audio elements, visual identity, data and databases, program code and other elements of the Service, of which it is the author.

Unauthorized use of any part of the Service, or the Service as a whole, without express prior written permission issued by the Company as the exclusive copyright holder, will be considered a violation of the Company’s copyright and is subject to all proceedings to the full extent of the law.

The service may also contain elements, such as the business name, trademark or logo of the partner, on which exclusive trademark rights and other intellectual property rights are held by other persons.

Limitation of liability

The Service may be temporarily unavailable or available to a limited extent, as a result of regular or extraordinary system maintenance or in the event of a system upgrade.

Jurisdiction and Dispute Resolution

The valid regulations of the Republic of Serbia apply to everything that is not regulated by these Terms of Use.

The valid regulations of the Republic of Serbia apply to all disputes that may arise between the Company on the one hand and the user in connection with the use of the Service. All parties in this relationship undertake to try to resolve the dispute amicably, and if they fail to do so, the Commercial Court in Subotica is responsible for resolving the dispute for legal entities, or the Basic Court in Subotica for natural persons.

In Subotica, 12.01.2023.